202302231357 Cisco True Forward

What is True Forward?

True Forward is an adjustment process to account for growth in Cisco EA 3.0 and includes payment for that growth. If a customer overconsumes, True Forward will take effect on the next scheduled True Forward event, depending on the full or partial commit status of the suite, and will continue until the end of the Cisco EA term.

What happens if there is a True Forward event in the final year of a Cisco EA term?

Any additional licenses added to Full Commit Suites during the final 12 months of the contract will be captured during the next Cisco EA contract. Any licenses added to Partial Commit suites in the final year will be captured in the next quarterly True Forward event, except for the final quarter. Licenses added in the final quarter will be captured during the next Cisco EA contract. Should the contract not be renewed, the customer would be required to purchase the minimum a la carte term allowed for licenses added after their last True Forward.

If you have a contract with 100 licenses and you consume 150 licenses, they dont chanre now. Instead, they will not charge you today. They will charge you more during the renewal.
They audit you annually.

Last update : 25 mai 2024
Created : 25 mai 2024