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Cognitive Bias

Arises from inclination towards Cognitive Ease.

Types of Cognitive Bias
  • Confirmation Bias - easy acceptance of information that validates what we already believe (preexisting beliefs) and rejection of what contrasts our belief
  • The Halo Effect - thinking that someone/something is completely good/bad makes us accept evidence that supports our belief and reject what doesn’t support them
  • Impact Bias - thinking that something will impact us in a specific way for a specific amount of time. We feel fairly confident, but actually the impact passes sooner.
  • Hindsight Bias - “I knew it all along” thinking.
  • Outcome Bias - judging a decision by the outcome instead of the “quality of the decision at the time it was made”
  • Hidden Bias - attitudes or stereotypes we have, both favorable and unfavorable, particularly about other people in regard to race, gender, age, etc.

Last update : 16 octobre 2023
Created : 21 septembre 2023