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The challenge of pagination in web applications


Pagination in web applications is a challenge.

Quoting Ashwin Bande at laravel - Is it better to paginate on the server side or front end? - Stack Overflow

It is A Tradeoff, each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For Server Side Pagination:

  1. your request time and data are reduced, as only a selected no of rows will be sent by the server.
  2. browser required less memory hence faster to process like filter, map, reduce etc.(only for one page)

For Client Side Pagination:

  1. As all data is present on client machine user can easily switch between back and forth.
  2. filter, search, map, reduce is possible on whole data.
  3. server get few requests as for search, filter, etc needed extra request and many iterations to the server.

My thoughts

Separate all pagination requirements into two kinds:

Last update : 16 octobre 2023
Created : 21 septembre 2023