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What the world might be once we realize that God is a narcissistic evil brute

writing idea fiction

Far reaching impacts.
Even if we find indisputable evidence of God being a narcissistic evil brute, things that people might do include:

  • reject the evidence claiming that it is biased or the “work of the devil”
  • re-interpret the religion in a way that accommodates the new findings in some way

It is possible that such a revelation could lead to a sense of existential crisis and a reevaluation of our beliefs about the meaning of life. It could also prompt us to question the nature of reality and the universe we inhabit. Some people may find this realization liberating, while others may find it unsettling and disturbing.

How can humanity find out that God really exists, and he is evil?

  1. Advanced technology: It’s possible that in the future, humans might develop technologies that allow us to explore and observe the universe in ways that are currently impossible. Such technologies might reveal clues or evidence that the universe is a construct, rather than a naturally occurring phenomenon.
  2. Contact with extraterrestrial life: If humans were to establish contact with an advanced extraterrestrial civilization, it’s possible that they might reveal knowledge or information about the nature of the universe that is currently unknown to us.
  3. Discovery of a “control room”: If humans were to discover a location within the universe that appeared to be a central control room or hub, it could be an indication that the universe is a constructed entity. -> This makes more sense as a plot.
    Discovering the control room of the universe.
  4. Scientific breakthroughs: As our understanding of the universe expands, it’s possible that scientists may make discoveries or develop theories that suggest the universe is a construct. However, it’s important to note that any such theories would need to be based on empirical evidence and subject to rigorous scientific testing before they could be accepted as valid.

On the day when we find out

  1. Initial shock and disbelief: The first reaction of many people would likely be one of shock and disbelief. The revelation that the universe is a construct created by aliens would challenge many long-held beliefs and assumptions about the nature of reality and our place in the universe.
  2. Questions and skepticism: As people start to process the information and explore the control room, there would likely be a lot of questions and skepticism about the validity of the information and the motives of the aliens who created the universe.
  3. Speculation and debate: The discovery would likely spark intense speculation and debate about the implications of the revelation. People would likely want to understand more about the nature and purpose of the universe, and what it means for the future of humanity.
  4. Contemplation and reflection: The discovery would also likely prompt many people to engage in contemplation and reflection about the meaning and purpose of life, and the nature of the universe.
  5. Political and religious implications: The discovery could also have significant political and religious implications, as people grapple with the impact of the revelation on existing belief systems and worldviews.
  6. Scientific exploration: The discovery would likely also prompt a surge in scientific exploration, as scientists seek to understand more about the nature of the universe and the technology used to create it.
  7. Societal upheaval: The discovery could also potentially lead to significant societal upheaval, as people struggle to come to terms with the new information and adjust to a new understanding of reality.

The next 12 months

  1. Intense scientific investigation: Scientists and researchers from around the world would likely converge on the discovery site to study and analyze the control room and any associated artifacts. They would attempt to gather as much information as possible about the nature of the universe and the aliens who created it. (our hero will be a part of the investigation because of his first-hand knowledge)
  2. Global media frenzy: News of the discovery would spread rapidly around the world, and the media would cover it extensively. Debates and discussions about the implications of the discovery would be featured prominently in news outlets and social media platforms.
  3. Religious and philosophical reevaluations: The discovery would likely prompt a crisis of faith for many religious believers, who might need to reconcile their beliefs with the idea of a constructed universe. Philosophers and thinkers would also explore the implications of the discovery for existential questions such as the meaning of life and the purpose of human existence.
  4. Technological advances: The discovery might inspire the development of new technologies that could help humanity explore and understand the universe more deeply. For example, researchers might seek to develop more advanced telescopes or space probes that could help us study the universe in more detail.
  5. Political and social upheaval: The discovery could have significant geopolitical and social consequences. For example, it might prompt increased investment in space exploration or the creation of new international organizations to study the universe. It could also lead to political tensions or even conflict between different nations or interest groups that seek to control the knowledge and technology associated with the discovery.

Last update : 16 octobre 2023
Created : 21 septembre 2023