Class variables in python

permanent programming

If we try to set the class variables with the instances (objects), then a new instance variable is created with the same name, that shadows the class variable.

class Item():
    # Defining a class variable
    parsed = 0

    def __init__(self, name): = name

if __name__ == "__main__":
    first_item = Item(name='first')

    # This creates a new instance variable with the same name
    # The new instance variable "overshadows" the class variable
    first_item.parsed = 1  

    second_item = Item(name="second")
    print(first_item.parsed)  # prints 1 
    print(second_item.parsed) # prints 0

    Item.parsed = 3

    print(first_item.parsed)  # prints 1
    print(second_item.parsed) # prints 3

    # If we look into the class of the first item, 
    # it shows the new value of the class variable as expected
    print(first_item.__class__.parsed) # prints 3

This prints:


Last update : 25 mai 2024
Created : 21 septembre 2023